The Prague Blog

Chapter #12 – Finally on Vacation…

Well folks, it took me only three and a half weeks.

My brain finally accepted that I am ON VACATION.

Because, despite the fact that I’ve been sleeping a lot and relaxing, it’s been very hard for me to break my “go!go!go!” routine.

There’s been plenty to do.  Plenty to see.

And plenty of fun to have.

Heck… you’ve been reading… I’ve been from Prague to Berlin to Vienna.

It’s been a great few weeks.  I’ve done a lot.

So, you can get that even though I have been away from home for a while, I still hadn’t managed to fall into the true relaxation of a vacation.

The kind of relaxed where you’ve got nowhere to go.  No one to see.  Nothing to do.  So you sit down in a cafe… maybe have a midday beer.

Or… in my case, a midday glass of gassy wine.

Which is not called “gassy wine”, by the way.  It’s actually called Burchak.    (Well, sort of.  It’s properly spelled with a bunch of funny Czech accents, which I can’t get on my computer.  Suffice it to say that it is pronounced “Boor-chack”)

I was on my way out of a very cool little museum called the House of the Golden Ring.

Where, by the way, the best part was the contemporary exhibits in the basement called the “Space for Intuition”.

Some very cool and fun exhibits.

There was one where you stood in the middle of four television screens, to the north, east, south and west of you.  And on the screens were four children, filmed simultaneously playing games, fighting and chatting.  They would even toss a ball to one another (which went from screen to screen).  They would argue.  Their positions were usually static but then one would run to another spot.  And they would appear in another camera.

It was sometimes hard to understand — seeing as how they’re speaking in Czech and all… but a very cool idea.

My absolute favorite was another video exhibition where a guy did some really cool stuff with photoshop and moving footage of people in a city.

There is some highly illegal video footage for you to see. Click HERE to view it.

I especially liked the next part, that I didn’t get a video of — because I got caught taking pictures.

I did manage to get a shot off before I got wrapped on the knuckles…

It’s a little hard to see, but those are people and a train among the enormous transistors.

Anyway, back to the real story…

I was coming out of the museum, looking at my watch, thinking about what I’m going to do next, where I have to be, what I’ve got —

When it hit me…  I’m on vacation.

I don’t need to do anything.  Be anywhere.  See anything.  Talk to anyone.

Except my waiter.

“One large glass of burchak, prosim.  I got no where to be.”

Too bad it took me 80% of my trip to figure it out!