Wow. Here’s a story to remind you all to do one simple thing that will make your life MUCH happier. LIVE IN THE MOMENT! Here I am, writing away as I travel back on the train from Vienna to Prague. I’m in one of those classy European cars, by myself. You know the kind – […]
Well folks, just a short entry for tonight. But I wanted to let you know, that I did actually hook up again with Alba, Nan & Raf. They look like fun, don’t they? (And there’s me… with my awesome new scarf!) We had a great time, talking, walking and eventually eating great Czech food at […]
Well folks, it took me only three and a half weeks. My brain finally accepted that I am ON VACATION. Because, despite the fact that I’ve been sleeping a lot and relaxing, it’s been very hard for me to break my “go!go!go!” routine. There’s been plenty to do. Plenty to see. And plenty of fun […]
Alright kids, here’s your debate for this evening: Be it resolved that mines suck. Agree or Disagree. Mr Drmaj, please begin to debate in AGREEMENT. * * * “Ok…. Here we go… Mining as a profession pretty much stinks. Especially if you’re living in the 14th century. In a town outside of Prague called Kutna […]
So, I figured I’d show you a couple of other things about my trip to Kutna Hora. (Which, hereafter I will call KH.) And I’ll do it in a straightforward fashion… for you wussies who can’t appreciate the lost art-form of debate. There were two other things that I saw in KH. The first was […]
Chapter #15 – Nina
On my very first night in Prague a few weeks ago, I was wandering around Old Town, getting a feel for the city. Ok. Ok. Truth be told I was completely lost and didn’t even know which way was North. Just south of the Old Town square, the streets are narrow, windy and make no […]
Chapter #16 – Goodbye to Prague
Well folks… Despite the fact that I still have a couple of days left in the city… this will probably be my last entry. I’ll be busy smelling the roses and enjoying life for the next few days. (That’s actually bullshit, I’m ‘busy’ recovering from a monster hangover today and tomorrow I’ll be running around […]
Epi-blog – Absinthe Minded
As it turns out, there’s one more story to tell about my trip to Prague. Mostly because — as fans of the blog will know by now — none of these blogs seems to be complete unless they close with a story of me running like a bat out of hell to catch an […]
Surfing Safari
OK folks. It’s been months since I got back from my Surf Safari to California. And… As many of you know, I had an amazing time. And I had told a whole bunch of you that I would write you all a fun email telling you a few of the stories of my trip. Wait […]
Chapter #1 – Almost Missing the Plane
The vacation began in typical JMD flying style — I arrived at the airport with only minutes to catch my flight… We had just finished an incredible week in Banff — a week that shall hereafter be known as the “2006 Endurance Test for my Liver”. For those of you unfamiliar with the Banff World […]