OK folks. It’s been months since I got back from my Surf Safari to California. And… As many of you know, I had an amazing time. And I had told a whole bunch of you that I would write you all a fun email telling you a few of the stories of my trip.
Wait a second, you might ask. I didn’t get any email from you, you jerkwad!
No, you didn’t. Because, in addition to coming back to my regular dose of workaholism and procrastination, what began as a little email become a chapter out of War and Peace. Complete with photos.
And I never actually finished it.
I did make it up to page 27. Yup. Page 27. Not exactly a ‘little email’.
But it does have some good stories.
And I’ve now crafted a bit of an ending to it.
So at least it makes sense.
I hope you enjoy.
If not, just pretend you did. I’m not interested in hearing about how I wasted part of your day with a boring piece of drivel. Especially because it took me forever to write.